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Above and beyond

We received a note from one of the schools that we have the privilege of transporting for and we wanted to highlight and publicly thank those of our staff and drivers who went above and beyond this year to help those in need. The note read, "I just want to personally thank each and every one of you for your help and support of Sparks families in need of a little extra this year. What makes this year so much more special, is that I did not reach out to any of you on my own. You all reached out to me, and asked if there was anyone that could use some help. You have all gone above and beyond with your kindness. Some of you spearheaded this with organizations that you or your children belong to, and made it a group effort to reach larger or multiple families. Others of you adopted a single child, a few children, or a whole family on your own. No matter how you contributed, please know that YOU MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE in the lives of other Sparks families this season!

The spirit of the holidays is certainly alive, and I have felt it these past few days as I have witnessed families receiving their gifts. There were tears of joy, feelings of relief, and most of all gratitude to all of you for making their holiday special. They all know that the people contributing to give their children a holiday to remember, are all Sparks families themselves. It is the greatest joy of my job to be a part of this process each year.

So, thank you once again, for spreading happiness throughout our community. I hope that in return, you have a joyous and peaceful holiday with your loved ones as well.

With a grateful heart,

Berna❤️ "

Thank you so much to our staff and drivers for pulling together and making Christmas bright for these ones in need! We are proud of you!

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